Here is Olympos, Çıralı, which is the place of real pleasure, not tourists. It is a livable experience to swim in the sea from the beach where caretta cerattas come to nest in Olympos, to stay in shabby businesses or tree houses, to enjoy the wine at the summit accompanied by the never-ending fire of the gods on Mount Olympus, to rent a boat and to go to the sea, to swim in the ancient city. In addition, Çıralı's neighboring bay, Adrasan Bay, which is 20-25 minutes away by car, is one of the places to go. There are hotels and cafes where you can stay along the beach, eat, sit and have a good time. For all other details such as what to do and where to stay in and around Olympos, you can check our article at Olimpos Tree Houses & Places. Click for location.