Olympos Ancient City

Where is here? Olympos, a settlement in Kumluca district 85.7 kilometers from Antalya, is located within the borders of Olympos Beydağları National Park. Olympos is a very important tourism center in terms of being a breeding ground for Caretta Carettas, that is, sea turtles, being located on the "Lycian Way", which is shown as one of the 10 best long distance walking routes in the world, and hosting the ancient city of Olympos. Also a very popular holiday spot with regulars at the Olympos in Turkey, in general, college students, tourists and travelers consists of young people in high school.
Because, in Olympos, they are accommodated in structures such as camping and tent areas, tree houses and bungalows. Therefore, Olympos is not very suitable for those who expect to stay in 5-star hotels! Olympos is very close to Alanya like many other points of Antalya. Olympos, which is 219 kilometers away from Alanya, can be reached in about 3-3.5 hours by road.
Why Should I Go? Olympos, which is fully protected by the state as an archaeological and natural site, is divided into two by the Akçay Creek passing through it. Olympos Beach is located at the point where the stream flows into the Mediterranean. Single use entrance ticket to the beach is 20 TL; 10-entry ticket is charged 7.5 TL. In addition, canoe tours are organized at Olympos Beach and its surroundings for half an hour for 20 TL. You can visit the caves and coves along the coast accompanied by canoes.
In addition, Olympos Ancient City is one of the must-see places in Olympos. It is known that the ancient city, which is divided into two as Northern and Southern Necropolis, is home to the Ancient Lycian Civilization. In the city, which is almost like an open air museum; There are 113 tombs, temples, baths, churches, theaters, ramparts and wide streets. The entrance fee of Olympos Ancient City, which is open to visitors between 08.00 and 09.00, is 20 TL.
Don't miss out! There is only a 15-minute distance between Adrasan Bay and Olympos, which I mentioned above. Therefore, while you are there, you can see these two places together and plan your trip accordingly.
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